Unit 1 Business

Unit 1 Business Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What are employers looking for?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 1 Business Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Writing key words and main ideas

  1. communication skills/most important
  2. college graduates/ improve/ communication skills
  3. college graduates/organized
  4. college graduates/meet goals

Unit 1 Business Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 1 Business Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. application
  2. degree
  3. career
  4. an interview
  5. organized
  6. basic
  7. employee
  8. requirement

Unit 1 Business Listening 5. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Comparing and contrasting

  1. They are both located downtown
  2. Braxton Books sells books in the store and online, but World Books only sells in the store.
  3. to say how two or more things are the same and different
  4. Braxton Books’ café sells food, but World Books’ café only sells coffee
  5. Both Braxton Books and World Books have a lot of books.
  6. Both action novels and romance novels are popular with young people.
  7. Apples are red, and oranges are orange.
  8. how birds and fish are similar and different

Unit 1 Business Listening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION What makes a good manager?

  1. boss and an employee
  2. nervous
  3. Michael’s future with the company
  4. joining a team of managers
  5. has the right personality
  6. he has interesting ideas
  7. listening to others
  8. spring
  9. yes

Unit 1 Business Listening 7. LISTENING SKILL Listening for key words and phrases

  1. future plans
  2. team of managers
  3. friendly and honest
  4. organized
  5. interesting new ideas
  6. good leader
  7. right person for the job

Unit 1 Business Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 1 Business Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. assistant
  2. manager
  3. major
  4. graduate
  5. advertising
  6. résumé

Unit 1 Business Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Distinguishing between words with similar meanings

  1. boss
  2. basic
  3. position
  4. company
  5. simple
  6. manager
  7. career
  8. corporation

Unit 1 Business Speaking 11. GRAMMAR Simple present and the simple past

I had a job at a clothing store. I worked five days a week. Customers came into the store and I helped them. Sometimes I went online and ordered clothes. Sometimes I organized the shelves. I didn’t like the manager very much, but it’s a good job. I made a lot of money.

Unit 1 Business Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Simple past of be

PlaceJob Quality
  • My mother was in Italy last week
  • Tina wasn't in school yesterday,
  • We were in Tokyo for two weeks
  • Paul was at work on Monday
  • I was a waitress for two years
  • My brother was a manager for three years
  • My father was an engineer
  • We weren't very hungry.
  • Our son's hair was blond
  • Ivanka was tired last night.
  • I was worried about you.
  • Unit 1 Business Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION The simple past with -ed

      1. /ed/ (1-2-4)
      2. /t/ (3-5-6)
      3. /d/(7-8-9)

    Unit 1 Business Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Asking for repetition and clarification

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 1 Business Review and Reflect 16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION What are employers looking for?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 1 Business Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Adjectives Nouns
  • basic
  • organized
  • requirement
  • career
  • manager
  • employee
  • résumé
  • assistant
  • advertising
  • degree
  • application
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Can we change our brains?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Can we change our brains?

    DetailsMain ldeas
  • Say "Hi, how are you?" or "How's it going?"
  • Always get the name and email of another student in class
  • Email professors and set up an appointment to talk to them
  • Go places when you are invited and sit next to others in the cafeteria
  • Meeting people in classes
  • Meeting people outside of class
  • Greeting friends
  • Meeting with professors
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. creative
    2. difficulty
    3. confused
    4. research
    5. mistake
    6. avoid
    7. positive
    8. complex

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 5. LISTENING SKILL Listening for main ideas and details

    DetailsMain ideas
  • If you play football or soccer, you will hit your head
  • You may get very angry or very sad
  • Boys who play sports on a team are happier
  • Kids who play on a team follow directions better
  • There are some ways sports help your brain.
  • Some sports hurt your brain.
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. tough
    2. certain
    3. increase
    4. die
    5. upset
    6. optimistic
    7. combination

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Providing support for a suggestion

    1. a good reason for the suggestion
    2. why to follow the suggestion
    3. true or correct.
    4. I heard that eating fish helps memory and focus.
    5. What other information can I give?
    6. Blueberries help you concentrate.
    7. I started exercising, and now I feel a lot better.
    8. You will feel better.

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 9. LISTENING COMPREHENSION Sports and the brain

    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. False
    7. True
    8. True

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Words in context

    1. hurts
    2. positive thing
    3. related to the brain
    4. what it looks like; its form
    5. what you remember
    6. a kind of scientist

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 11. GRAMMAR (1) Should and shouldn't

    1. shouldn’t
    2. should
    3. eat
    4. sit
    5. shouldn’t
    6. should go
    7. should exercise
    8. shouldn’t

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 12. GRAMMAR (2) It's + adjective + infinitive

  • It’s important to eat healthy food
  • It’s not healthy to sleep only four hours a night
  • It’s common to forget some things
  • It’s not common to forget your mother’s name
  • It’s not safe to walk home alone
  • It’s not fun to lose a game
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION The schwa sound

    1. bot-tom
    2. com-mand
    3. ho-nest
    4. po-lite
    5. con-fuse
    6. ges-ture
    7. ap-prove
    8. care-ful

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

  • Make eye contact throughout.
  • Look briefly at your notes and then back at the audience.
  • Look at the audience
  • Speak in front of a mirror.
  • Practice.
  • Make small notecards
  • Write key words and phrases.
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 15. ALTERNATE Unit ASSIGNMENT

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Review and Reflect 16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION Can we change our brains?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Adjectives VerbsNouns
  • upset
  • complex
  • optimistic
  • positive
  • certain
  • confused
  • tough
  • creative
  • increase
  • avoid
  • die
  • mistake
  • difficulty
  • combination
  • Unit 1 Business

    Unit 1 Business Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What are employers looking for?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 1 Business Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Writing key words and main ideas

    1. communication skills/most important
    2. college graduates/ improve/ communication skills
    3. college graduates/organized
    4. college graduates/meet goals

    Unit 1 Business Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 1 Business Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. application
    2. degree
    3. career
    4. an interview
    5. organized
    6. basic
    7. employee
    8. requirement

    Unit 1 Business Listening 5. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Comparing and contrasting

    1. They are both located downtown
    2. Braxton Books sells books in the store and online, but World Books only sells in the store.
    3. to say how two or more things are the same and different
    4. Braxton Books’ café sells food, but World Books’ café only sells coffee
    5. Both Braxton Books and World Books have a lot of books.
    6. Both action novels and romance novels are popular with young people.
    7. Apples are red, and oranges are orange.
    8. how birds and fish are similar and different

    Unit 1 Business Listening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION What makes a good manager?

    1. boss and an employee
    2. nervous
    3. Michael’s future with the company
    4. joining a team of managers
    5. has the right personality
    6. he has interesting ideas
    7. listening to others
    8. spring
    9. yes

    Unit 1 Business Listening 7. LISTENING SKILL Listening for key words and phrases

    1. future plans
    2. team of managers
    3. friendly and honest
    4. organized
    5. interesting new ideas
    6. good leader
    7. right person for the job

    Unit 1 Business Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 1 Business Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. assistant
    2. manager
    3. major
    4. graduate
    5. advertising
    6. résumé

    Unit 1 Business Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Distinguishing between words with similar meanings

    1. boss
    2. basic
    3. position
    4. company
    5. simple
    6. manager
    7. career
    8. corporation

    Unit 1 Business Speaking 11. GRAMMAR Simple present and the simple past

    I had a job at a clothing store. I worked five days a week. Customers came into the store and I helped them. Sometimes I went online and ordered clothes. Sometimes I organized the shelves. I didn’t like the manager very much, but it’s a good job. I made a lot of money.

    Unit 1 Business Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Simple past of be

    PlaceJob Quality
  • My mother was in Italy last week
  • Tina wasn't in school yesterday,
  • We were in Tokyo for two weeks
  • Paul was at work on Monday
  • I was a waitress for two years
  • My brother was a manager for three years
  • My father was an engineer
  • We weren't very hungry.
  • Our son's hair was blond
  • Ivanka was tired last night.
  • I was worried about you.
  • Unit 1 Business Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION The simple past with -ed

      1. /ed/ (1-2-4)
      2. /t/ (3-5-6)
      3. /d/(7-8-9)

    Unit 1 Business Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Asking for repetition and clarification

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 1 Business Review and Reflect 16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION What are employers looking for?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 1 Business Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Adjectives Nouns
  • basic
  • organized
  • requirement
  • career
  • manager
  • employee
  • résumé
  • assistant
  • advertising
  • degree
  • application
  • Unit 3 Sociology

    Unit 3 Sociology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What is the best kind of vacation?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Marking important information in notes

    1. She is excited to hike to a waterfall.
    2. To highlight that fall is the best time to visit
    3. It’s important to bring rain gear.
    4. hike to see beautiful views
    5. Should she go camping?
    6. excited

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 3. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Deciding what is important

    1. what is important
    2. you must do, have, or think about it.
    3. save time.
    4. think about what you want to learn
    5. What else do I need to know?
    6. Which universities near me are the best?
    7. How much does it cost to attend?
    8. New Student Information

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 5. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. insect
    2. dangerous.
    3. pollution
    4. local
    5. shake
    6. destroy
    7. tourist

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION The peace boat

    1. meeting
    2. international
    3. volunteers
    4. ship
    5. students
    6. 75
    7. Japan
    8. nine weeks

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 7. LISTENING SKILL Understanding numbers and dates

    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    6. True
    7. False

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    This summer, I’m working as a volunteer in Mexico. I’m staying in a pretty city called Loreto. It’s a small city near the sea. The population is around 10,000.
    Every morning, I wake up very early and prepare to go to work. I’m working with a group of university students. We’re going to repair an old building to make a school for the local children. It’s hard work, but it’s very enjoyable. This weekend, our professor will lead us on a trip to Mexico City. We will learn about Aztec culture, the ancient culture of Mexico.

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Suffixes -ful and -ing

    1. wonderful
    2. interesting
    3. beautiful
    4. exciting
    5. careful
    6. helpful
    7. amazing

    Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 11. GRAMMAR (1) Be going to

    1. present
    2. future
    3. future
    4. future
    5. future
    6. present
    7. future
    8. present
    9. present
    10. future

    Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 12. GRAMMAR (2) Present continuous with future meaning

    Future plans Happening now
  • I'm not coming to class tomorrow.
  • I'm graduating next year.
  • I'm visiting my grandmother next weekend.
  • They're going to London next month.
  • We're having a picnic this weekend.
  • We have to leave. Rita is waiting for us at the restaurant.
  • Khalid is eating lunch.
  • Please be quiet. I'm studying.
  • Don't answer the phone. You're driving.
  • Sam is watching TV in the living room.
  • Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Be going to

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Introducing topics in a presentation

    1. Next, I’m going to explain…
    2. The first thing I’m going to talk about is…
    3. Now let’s move on to…
    4. Finally, let’s talk about…

    Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT Describe a future vacation

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 3 Sociology Review and Reflect 16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION What is the best kind of vacation?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 3 Sociology Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Adjectives VerbsNouns
  • local
  • enjoyable
  • ancient
  • pretty
  • dangerous
  • shake
  • destroy
  • repair
  • prepare
  • insect
  • tourist
  • population
  • pollution
  • إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب




    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب


    لا يوجد عليها درجات

    لا يوجد عليها درجات

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
    Adjectives VerbsNouns
    LS Level 1

    LS Level 1

    Unit 1 Business

    Unit 1 Business Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What are employers looking for?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 1 Business Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Writing key words and main ideas

    1. communication skills/most important
    2. college graduates/ improve/ communication skills
    3. college graduates/organized
    4. college graduates/meet goals

    Unit 1 Business Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 1 Business Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. application
    2. degree
    3. career
    4. an interview
    5. organized
    6. basic
    7. employee
    8. requirement

    Unit 1 Business Listening 5. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Comparing and contrasting

    1. They are both located downtown
    2. Braxton Books sells books in the store and online, but World Books only sells in the store.
    3. to say how two or more things are the same and different
    4. Braxton Books' café sells food, but World Books' café only sells coffee
    5. Both Braxton Books and World Books have a lot of books.
    6. Both action novels and romance novels are popular with young people.
    7. Apples are red, and oranges are orange.
    8. how birds and fish are similar and different

    Unit 1 Business Listening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION What makes a good manager?

    1. boss and an employee
    2. nervous
    3. Michael's future with the company
    4. joining a team of managers
    5. has the right personality
    6. he has interesting ideas
    7. listening to others
    8. spring
    9. yes

    Unit 1 Business Listening 7. LISTENING SKILL Listening for key words and phrases

    1. future plans
    2. team of managers
    3. friendly and honest
    4. organized
    5. interesting new ideas
    6. good leader
    7. right person for the job

    Unit 1 Business Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 1 Business Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. assistant
    2. manager
    3. major
    4. graduate
    5. advertising
    6. résumé
    Unit 1 Business Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Distinguishing between words with similar meanings
    1. boss
    2. basic
    3. position
    4. company
    5. simple
    6. manager
    7. career
    8. corporation

    Unit 1 Business Speaking 11. GRAMMAR Simple present and the simple past

  • I had a job at a clothing store. I worked five days a week. Customers came into the store and I helped them. Sometimes I went online and ordered clothes. Sometimes I organized the shelves. I didn’t like the manager very much, but it's a good job. I made a lot of money.
  • Unit 1 Business Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Simple past of be
    Quality Job Place
  • We weren't very hungry.
  • Our son's hair was blond
  • Ivanka was tired last night.
  • I was worried about you.
  • I was a waitress for two years
  • My brother was a manager for three years
  • My father was an engineer
  • My mother was in Italy last week
  • Tina wasn't in school yesterday,
  • We were in Tokyo for two weeks
  • Paul was at work on Monday
  • Unit 1 Business Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION The simple past with -ed

    1. /ed/
    2. (1-2-4)
    3. /t/
    4. (3-5-6)
    5. /d/
    6. (7-8-9)

    Unit 1 Business Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Asking for repetition and clarification

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 1 Business Speaking 15. ALTERNATE

    Unit ASSIGNMENT Role-play a job interview

  • 1. What experience do you have in website design, and what types of websites have you designed in the past? 2. What is your design process, and how do you work with clients to ensure their needs and goals are met? 3. How do you ensure that your websites are optimized for both desktop and mobile devices? 4. What are your thoughts on website usability and user experience? Can you provide an example of a website that you think provides a great user experience? 5. How do you stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in website design and development? Manager: Hi there, thank you for coming in today. Can you please introduce yourself and tell me a little bit about your experience in website design? Interviewee: Hi, I'm [Name], and I have been working as a website designer for the past 5 years. I've designed websites for a variety of clients, including small businesses and non-profit organizations. Manager: Great! Can you walk me through your design process and how you work with clients to ensure their needs and goals are met? Interviewee: Sure, I usually start by meeting with the client to understand their vision and goals for the website. Then I create a design concept that aligns with their brand and meets their needs. I share the design concept with the client and make any necessary changes based on their feedback. Once the design is approved, I start building the website and ensure that it is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. Manager: That sounds good. How do you ensure that your websites are user-friendly and provide a great user experience? Interviewee: I believe that user experience is critical to the success of any website. I use a variety of techniques, such as user testing and research, to ensure that the website is easy to navigate and provides a positive experience for users. I also make sure that the website is accessible to users with disabilities. Manager: Excellent. How do you stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in website design and development? Interviewee: I regularly attend conferences and webinars, read industry publications and blogs, and participate in online forums and communities. I also experiment with new technologies and design techniques in my personal projects. Manager: That's great to hear. Finally, can you provide an example of a website that you think provides a great user experience? Interviewee: One website that I think provides an excellent user experience is Airbnb. The website is intuitive and easy to use, and it provides all the information that users need in a clear and concise way. Manager: Thank you for your time and for answering my questions. We'll be in touch soon. Interviewee: Thank you, I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you.
  • Unit 1 Business Review and Reflect 16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION What are employers looking for?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 1 Business Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Nouns Adjectives
  • requirement
  • career
  • manager
  • employee
  • résumé
  • assistant
  • advertising
  • degree
  • application
  • organized
  • basic
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Can we change our brains?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Taking notes in a T-chart

    Main ldeas Details
  • Meeting people in classes
  • Meeting people outside of class
  • Greeting friends
  • Meeting with professors
  • Say "Hi, how are you?" or "How's it going?"
  • Always get the name and email of another student in class
  • Email professors and set up an appointment to talk to them
  • Go places when you are invited and sit next to others in the cafeteria
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. creative
    2. difficulty
    3. confused
    4. research
    5. mistake
    6. avoid
    7. positive
    8. complex

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 5. LISTENING SKILL Listening for main ideas and details

    Main ldeas Details
  • There are some ways sports help your brain.
  • Some sports hurt your brain.
  • If you play football or soccer, you will hit your head
  • You may get very angry or very sad
  • Boys who play sports on a team are happier
  • Kids who play on a team follow directions better
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. tough
    2. certain
    3. increase
    4. die
    5. upset
    6. optimistic
    7. combination

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Providing support for a suggestion

    1. a good reason for the suggestion
    2. why to follow the suggestion
    3. true or correct.
    4. I heard that eating fish helps memory and focus.
    5. What other information can I give?
    6. Blueberries help you concentrate.
    7. I started exercising, and now I feel a lot better.
    8. You will feel better.

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 9. LISTENING COMPREHENSION Sports and the brain

    1. False
    2. True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. False
    6. False
    7. True
    8. True

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Words in context

    1. hurts
    2. positive thing
    3. related to the brain
    4. what it looks like; its form
    5. what you remember
    6. a kind of scientist

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 11. GRAMMAR (1) Should and shouldn't

    1. shouldn't
    2. should
    3. eat
    4. sit
    5. shouldn't
    6. should go
    7. should exercise
    8. shouldn't

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 12. GRAMMAR (2) It's + adjective + infinitive

  • It's important to eat healthy food
  • It's not healthy to sleep only four hours a night
  • It's common to forget some things
  • It's not common to forget your mother's name
  • It's not safe to walk home alone
  • It's not fun to lose a game
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION The schwa sound

    1. bot-tom
    2. com-mand
    3. ho-nest
    4. po-lite
    5. con-fuse
    6. ges-ture
    7. ap-prove
    8. care-ful

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Presenting information from notes

    Preparation Presentation
  • Speak in front of a mirror.
  • Practice.
  • Make small notecards
  • Write key words and phrases.
  • Make eye contact throughout.
  • Look briefly at your notes and then back at the audience.
  • Look at the audience
  • Unit 2 Cognitive Science Speaking 15. ALTERNATE Unit ASSIGNMENT

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Review and Reflect 16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION Can we change our brains?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 2 Cognitive Science Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Nouns Verbs Adjectives
  • mistake
  • difficulty
  • combination
  • increase
  • avoid
  • die
  • upset
  • complex
  • optimistic
  • positive
  • certain
  • confused
  • tough
  • creative

  • Unit 3 Sociology

    Unit 3 Sociology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What is the best kind of vacation?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Marking important information in notes

    1. She is excited to hike to a waterfall.
    2. To highlight that fall is the best time to visit
    3. It's important to bring rain gear.
    4. hike to see beautiful views
    5. Should she go camping?
    6. excited

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 3. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Deciding what is important

    1. what is important
    2. you must do, have, or think about it.
    3. save time.
    4. think about what you want to learn
    5. What else do I need to know?
    6. Which universities near me are the best?
    7. How much does it cost to attend?
    8. New Student Information

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 5. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. insect
    2. dangerous.
    3. pollution
    4. local
    5. shake
    6. destroy
    7. tourist

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION The peace boat

    1. meeting
    2. international
    3. volunteers
    4. ship
    5. students
    6. 75
    7. Japan
    8. nine weeks

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 7. LISTENING SKILL Understanding numbers and dates

    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True
    5. False
    6. True
    7. False

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    This summer, I'm working as a volunteer in Mexico. I'm staying in a pretty city called Loreto. It's a small city near the sea. The population is around 10,000. Every morning, I wake up very early and prepare to go to work. I'm working with a group of university students. We're going to repair an old building to make a school for the local children. It's hard work, but it's very enjoyable. This weekend, our professor will lead us on a trip to Mexico City. We will learn about Aztec culture, the ancient culture of Mexico.

    Unit 3 Sociology Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Suffixes -ful and -ing

    1. wonderful
    2. interesting
    3. beautiful
    4. exciting
    5. careful
    6. helpful
    7. amazing

    Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 11. GRAMMAR (1) Be going to

    1. present
    2. future
    3. future
    4. present
    5. future
    6. present
    7. future
    8. present
    9. present
    10. future

    Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 12. GRAMMAR (2) Present continuous with future meaning

    Happening now Future plans
  • We have to leave. Rita is waiting for us at the restaurant.
  • Khalid is eating lunch.
  • Please be quiet. I'm studying.
  • Don't answer the phone. You're driving.
  • Sam is watching TV in the living room.
  • I'm not coming to class tomorrow.
  • I'm graduating next year.
  • I'm visiting my grandmother next weekend.
  • They're going to London next month.
  • We're having a picnic this weekend.
  • Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Be going to

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Introducing topics in a presentation

    1. Next, I'm going to explain…
    2. The first thing I'm going to talk about is…
    3. Now let's move on to…
    4. Finally, let's talk about...

    Unit 3 Sociology Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT Describe a future vacation

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 3 Sociology Review and Reflect 16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION What is the best kind of vacation?

    إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 3 Sociology Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Nouns Verbs Adjectives
  • insect
  • tourist
  • population
  • pollution
  • shake
  • destroy
  • repair
  • prepare
  • local
  • enjoyable
  • ancient
  • pretty
  • dangerous
  • Unit 4 Physiology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Does body language tell the truth?

    1. describe
    2. facial expression
    3. wrong
    4. understand
    5. professional
    6. imagine
    7. communicate
    8. emotion
    9. calm
    10. debate

    Unit 4 PhysiologyListening4.LISTENING COMPREHENSION

    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
    4. False
    5. True
    6. False

    Unit 4 PhysiologyListening5.LISTENING SKILL Listening for specific information

    1. yesterday
    2. when they smile
    3. at the University of California
    4. 400
    5. young adults
    6. movies
    7. faces

    Unit 4Physiology Listening 6.NOTE-TAKING SKILL Making notes using a word web

    Facial Expressions Body Movements/Positions Gestures
    smile frown raised eyebrows crossed legs folded arms standing up straight thumbs-up point wave

    Unit 4 Physiology Listening 7. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Interpreting

    1. Sometimes there is missing information or it is unclear
    2. to analyze information to explain its meaning
    3. Interpret the information you have.
    4. understand information that is unclear.
    5. what you know about the topic.
    6. I see people cry when they are sad. I think a crying person might be sad
    7. Speaker A does not have free time tonight.
    8. Speaker B does not like action movies.

    Unit 4 PhysiologyListening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. however
    2. investigate a crime
    3. talented
    4. probably
    5. lie
    6. afraid
    7. move
    8. observe

    Unit 4 Physiology Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Synonyms

    1. feelings
    2. watch
    3. but
    4. scared
    5. explain
    6. incorrect

    Unit 4 PhysiologySpeaking11. GRAMMAR Simple present for informal narratives

    1. lie
    2. go
    3. wakes
    4. says
    5. thinks
    6. wants
    7. is
    8. speaks

    Unit 4 Physiology12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION There isand there are

    1. There is
    2. There are
    3. a museum
    4. There's
    5. There is
    6. students
    7. There's
    8. a new TV show
    9. There are
    10. There's

    Unit 4 Physiology Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Simple present third-person

    1. /z/
    2. /s/
    3. /z/
    4. /z/
    5. /s/
    6. /ez/
    7. /ez/
    8. /ez/
    9. /z/

    Unit 4 PhysiologySpeaking14. SPEAKING SKILL Using eye contact, facial expressions, and body language

    1. It helps you connect with your audience
    2. It helps the audience understand the feelings in the story
    3. It helps listeners understand the events of the story

    Unit 4 Physiology Review and Reflect▷ 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Nouns and Noun Phrases Verbs and Verb Phrases Adjectives
    emotion facial expression observe describe communicate understand move imagine investigate a crime afraid talented professional wrong calm

    Unit 5 PsychologyDiscussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Why do we enjoy sports?

    اضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 5 Psychology Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Using numbered lists to organize information

    1. Exercising with friends has many benefits.
    2. First of all, friends help make exercise more fun.
    3. Second, you are more likely to exercise if you made plans with a friend.
    4. In addition to being more likely, you will also exercise for a longer time with a friend.
    5. Finally, exercising with friends makes people less likely to quit.

    Unit 5 PsychologyListening4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. reaction
    2. humans
    3. improve
    4. exciting
    5. traditional
    6. skill
    7. active
    8. coach

    Unit 5 PsychologyListening5. LISTENING COMPREHENSION Nikolai Andrianov

    1. near Moscow
    2. not happy
    3. coach
    4. 16 years old
    5. three
    6. coach
    7. afraid

    Unit 5 PsychologyListening 6. LISTENING SKILL Listening for signal words and phrases

    1. Finally
    2. The next thing I'll discuss
    3. First
    4. Also

    Unit 5 PsychologyListening8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. escape
    2. benefit
    3. forget
    4. some kind of
    5. patient
    6. except for
    7. protect

    Unit 5 PsychologyListening9. VOCABULARY SKILL Using the dictionary

    1. 2
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 1
    5. 3

    Unit 5 PsychologySpeaking 10. GRAMMAR (1) Gerunds as subjects or objects

    Gerund as subject Gerund as object
    He's very athletic, so learning basketball was easy Swimming is good exercise His playing is really good now I like school, but studying is hard. Closing my eyes helps me concentrate. My favorite activity on the weekends is shopping Most people like spending time with family. I avoid watching too much TV. Khalid prefers playing soccer to watching it on TV We enjoy going to games.

    Unit 5 PsychologySpeaking11. GRAMMAR (2) Gerunds as subjects or objects

    1. I like running because it is good exercise
    2. Judy dislikes eating late at night
    3. Swimming is very good for you
    4. My father enjoys visiting new places
    5. Many students prefer working with a group
    6. Living overseas helps you learn a new language

    Unit 5 PsychologySpeaking13. SPEAKING SKILL Asking for and giving opinions

    تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

    Unit 5 PsychologySpeaking14. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Ranking

    1. size
    2. show the results of a survey.
    3. We can use it to show the results of a questionnaire.
    4. to put items in an order.
    5. price
    6. 1. baby 2. child 3. teenager
    7. 1. movie theater screen 2. television 3. cell phone
    8. 1. Cell Phone A 2. Cell Phone C 3. Cell Phone B

    Unit 5 PsychologyReview and Reflect17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Nouns Verbs Adjectives
    skill humans a coach a benefit reaction protect forget improve escape exciting traditional active

    Unit 6 Marketing Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How do we make decisions?

    اضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

    Unit 6 MarketingListening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILLS Using abbreviations and symbols

    1. 2sitns: 1. hngry 2. trd
    2. Don't shp hngry = gd adv.
    3. Stdy: 2 grps
    4. Grp. 1: no eat
    5. Grp. 2: crckrs
    6. Grp 1-jnk fd

    Unit 6 MarketingListening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. according to
    2. survey
    3. trends
    4. responsibility
    5. average
    6. a little bit
    7. consumers
    8. promote

    Unit 6 MarketingListening5. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Making judgments

    1. right or wrong
    2. a personal opinion.
    3. people's beliefs about what is important.
    4. to feel confident you made a good
    5. They may have different values and life experiences
    6. The company's products are safe for the environment.
    7. whether the company uses animals to test its products
    8. A brand name product that is very expensive

    Unit 6 MarketingListening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION

    Hunger Sleep
    brain produces a chemical act quickly, don't think carefully buy more before dinner buy less after lunch buy stuff that you don't even like with enough, you make good decisions with only a little, you make decisions that are very uncertain with enough, you make decisions that are certain naps help

    Unit 6 MarketingListening 7. LISTENING SKILL Making inferences

    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True

    Unit 6 Marketing Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. trouble
    2. crowd
    3. reach
    4. behavior
    5. rescue
    6. bargain
    7. argument
    8. section

    Unit 6 Marketing Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Percentages and fractions

    1. a quarter
    2. a third
    3. half
    4. two thirds
    5. three quarters

    Unit 6 Marketing Speaking 11. GRAMMAR (1) Conjunctions "and" and "but"

    1. but
    2. and
    3. but
    4. and
    5. and
    6. but
    7. but

    Unit 6 Marketing Speaking 12. GRAMMAR (2) Conjunctions "and" and "but"

    1. and I also need to finish my English homework
    2. but the second one was very hard.
    3. but I didn't go to the post office.
    4. and she's a good painter, too.
    5. but he doesn't play basketball very well.
    6. but I work close to home.
    7. and I want to go to China, too.

    Unit 6 Marketing Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Sourcing information

    1. According to the survey. half of all teenagers use the app
    2. The study found that hunger affects decisions
    3. More than two thirds answered all the questions
    4. The results show that some decisions are very difficult
    5. According to the website, you can choose the size and color
    6. About 25 percent said that the service was helpful

    Unit 6 Marketing Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Nouns Verbs Adjectives
    responsibility trends behavior section trouble crowd consumer araumont reach rescue promote average

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. progress
    2. Issue
    3. especially
    4. solve a problem
    5. accept
    6. make a difference
    7. change your mind
    8. opportunity

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Listening 4. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Generating ideas

    1. thinking of ideas.
    2. You have too many ideas.
    3. think of as many ideas as possible.
    4. to make something new.
    5. Focus on getting new ideas.
    6. a word web
    7. No
    8. Stop and try to choose the best ideas.

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Listening 5. LISTENING COMPREHENSION

    1. At which age do you think people have the greatest effect on the world around them?
    2. between 1981 and 1996
    3. Mark Zuckerberg
    4. making a difference
    5. They come from different backgrounds.
    6. 25 percent
    7. 70 percent

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Listening 6. LISTENING SKILL Listening for different opinions

    1. Disagree
    2. Agree
    3. Disagree
    4. Disagree
    5. Agree
    6. Agree

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. advice
    2. goals
    3. recommends
    4. habit
    5. achieve
    6. remind
    7. encourage
    8. stick to

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Listening 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Verb-noun collocations

    make change
    a change a difference progress a promise your attitude your job the world your life

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Speaking 10. GRAMMAR Imperative of be + adjective

    1. Don't be afraid to speak up in class
    2. Be careful to follow the directions
    3. Be ready to leave in an hour
    4. Don't be worried about us
    5. Be happy about the new job
    6. Be prepared to change your plans

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Speaking 11. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Imperatives

    Commands Warnings Instructions or directions
    Go away Be quiet! Don't be late! Pick up your clothes! Take out the trash! Be careful! It's dark! Look out! There's a hole in the ground Stop there before you fall! It's icy Don't pick up the boxes by yourself! They're heavy Don't go that way! It's dangerous Don't forget to write your name on your paper Go west on the main road. Circle the correct answer. Combine the two chemicals together Take Elm Street to get to my house

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Speaking 12. PRONUNCIATION Content word stress in sentences

    1. difference
    2. plans
    3. important
    4. problem
    5. questions
    6. goal

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Speaking 13. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Using an outline

    1. Understand
    2. progress
    3. Takes time and a lot of work
    4. thinking
    5. shake hands
    6. wear seatbelts
    7. others do too

    Unit 7 Behavioral Science Review and Reflect▸ 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Nouns Verbs and Verb Phrases Adverbs
    issue habit advice goal progress opportunity accept encourage stick to recommend make a difference remind change your mind solve a problem achieve especially

    Unit 8 Psychology Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Using the Cornell method for taking notes

    Questions/Key Words Notes
    Is it possible to get over phobias? What are the most common phobias? Why do we get phobias? or caused by watching something terrifying yes, focus on the fear and reaction to it. possible to control and make better 15 mill scared of public speaking response to something we think will harm us 2 mill scared of being in places where they felt panic before

    Unit 8 Psychology Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

    1. strength
    2. phobia
    3. sweat
    4. anxiety
    5. panic
    6. purpose
    7. get over
    8. move on to

    Unit 8 Psychology Listening 5. LISTENING COMPREHENSION Conquering fears

    1. public speaking
    2. be perfect
    3. make mistakes
    4. too much
    5. time
    6. relax
    7. Telling jokes
    8. prepare

    Unit 8 Psychology 6. LISTENING SKILL Listening for examples Listening

    1. remind yourself you don't need to be perfect
    2. I answered questions because I knew the information so well
    3. many people feel nervous about talking in front of others
    4. take some deep breaths before giving your presentation
    5. tell a joke

    Unit 8 Psychology Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

    1. nightmares
    2. terrified
    3. bother
    4. ground
    5. normal
    6. got used to
    7. ideal
    8. negative

    Unit 8 Psychology Listening 9. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Organizing ideas in a chart

    1. organize them
    2. Plan what you want to say or write.
    3. put things in an order or system.
    4. T-chart.
    5. grid chart.
    6. flow chart.
    7. Row Chart
    8. flow chart.

    Unit 8 Psychology Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Idioms and expressions

    1. shaking
    2. can't
    3. say
    4. drives
    5. have
    6. before
    7. have
    8. all ears

    Unit 8 Psychology Speaking 11. GRAMMAR So and such with adjectives

    1. so
    2. such a
    3. so
    4. such
    5. such a
    6. such
    7. so
    8. such a

    Unit 8 Psychology Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Demonstratives

    1. these
    2. this
    3. those
    4. is
    5. assignments
    6. That
    7. These are
    8. That
    9. This
    10. are

    Unit 8 Psychology Review and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

    Nouns Verbs and Verb Phrases Adjectives
    phobla strength ground anxiety nightmare purpose move on to get used to bother get over normal negative terrified ideal

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