Unit 1 Business and Marketing

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How important is it to keep up with current trends?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Identifying key words

  1. food
  2. eco-packaging
  3. environment
  4. cardboard
  5. metal
  6. trash

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. decline
  2. failure
  3. wheels
  4. wealthy
  5. essential
  6. enormous
  7. brakes
  8. affordable

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 5. LISTENING COMPREHENSION

  1. well liked
  2. social media
  3. posting photos
  4. gets people to eat healthier food
  5. are good advertisements
  6. Sainsbury’s
  7. young
  8. give free products

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 6. LISTENING SKILL Listening for main ideas

  1. Influencers are a good and affordable way to advertise.

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 7. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Analyzing supporting details

  1. provide more information
  2. statistics from a good source
  3. It is not a good supporting detail.
  4. The bicycles didn’t have enough safety features.
  5. one that is directly related to the number bicycles sold
  6. People are more interested in vegetarian foods now than in the past.
  7. People are buying fewer things with cash in Sweden.
  8. It gives an example directly related to the topic.

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. postage
  2. get the point
  3. reasonable
  4. chat
  5. advertise
  6. realize
  7. buck the trend
  8. potential

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Collocations: nouns and verbs

  1. bucking
  2. continue
  3. follow
  4. sets
  5. start

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Speaking 11. GRAMMAR Present continuous

  1. Actually, yes. I’m studying for my history exam.
  2. Not now. It’s raining!
  3. I’m looking for my dictionary. I just had it!
  4. Yes. I’m taking Italian at the Language Center.
  5. To the store. Do you need anything?
  6. I’m working full-time. I’m saving money for a new car.
  7. At a software company in Toronto.

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Present continuous and simple present

  1. wants
  2. is studying
  3. is getting
  4. helps
  6. is reading
  7. believe
  8. works
  9. is learning
  10. don’t understand

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Interjections and intonation

  1. I think this new all-meat diet is just a fad.
  2. In other words, it will never last.
  3. There are a few reasons for this.
  4. First, meat is expensive. And it’s not very healthy.
  5. The point is it’s a terrible idea.
  6. To sum up, an all-meat diet is a just a fad.

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 1 Business and MarketingCheck and Reflect16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How important is it to keep up with current trends?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 1 Business and Marketing Check and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns

Unit 2 Pyschology

Unit 2 Pyschology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How can colors be useful?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Using visual elements

Take Written Notes OnlyDraw a Visual Element
Each country creates its own image to show on a national flag.
The visual image often stands for something special about the country.
The colors a country uses on its flag also have special meaning.
A high school art teacher designed Antigua and Barbuda's flag.
Bangladesh has a green flag with a large red circle. The circle is the sun.
Nigeria has a green flag with a white stripe. The white stands for peace.
A large leaf appears on a white stripe in the middle of the red Canadian flag.

Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. skin
  2. wings
  3. predator
  4. insect
  5. poison
  6. survive
  7. hide
  8. warning

Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 5. LISTENING COMPREHENSION What Color Is Your Car?

  1. an auto industry expert
  2. gray
  3. Phoenix, Arizona
  4. gray
  5. sports cars
  6. hurricane blue
  7. black
  8. They wanted to produce many cars quickly.

Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 6. LISTENING SKILL Understanding cause and effect

  1. Carmakers produce more cars of that color.
  2. The car is cooler in hot weather.
  3. People there like cars with warm colors, like red.
  4. Buyers relate the color to money and light.
  5. Buyers think the car is hot and exciting.
  6. It makes the buyer think of nature and the environment.
  7. He could produce large numbers of cars quickly.

Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 7. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Evaluating cause-and-effect statements

  1. to find out if they are valid
  2. to determine if the first action really did cause the second action
  3. No
  4. Rain would most likely not damage the car.
  5. Drivers will likely not notice the broken light and may have an accident.
  6. We don’t know what Mr. Romero is thinking.
  7. I burned my mouth because my coffee was still hot.
  8. I dropped my laptop, so it stopped working.

Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. You should be pleased. Graduation from medical school is a major accomplishment.
  2. Yes, just keep going. You are almost there.
  3. Yes, I thought it was very nice.
  4. You should get him a clock that looks like a soccer ball!
  5. Yes, I like living in the country where it is quiet.
  6. Not really. The blue shoes look strange with your green dress.
  7. Did her scarf have a nice pattern?
  8. I know. It was too hot to stay outside for long.
  9. Yes, its color helps it hide from other animals.

Unit 2 Pyschology Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Word families: nouns and verbs

Children often color trees blue or make the sun pink.
They're going to name the baby Paul, after his father.
"Pretty Pink"? To me, that sounds like something for a girl.
Don't paint your car purple! No one will want to buy it.
We need about three gallons of paint for the living room.
We need to think of a good name for our new product.
The car is making a strange sound.
The color of this dress looks red to me, but Liz says it's orange.

Unit 2 Pyschology Speaking 11. GRAMMAR There's and it's (1)

  1. There’s
  2. It’s
  3. There’s
  4. It’s
  5. there’s
  6. It’s
  7. it’s
  8. It’s
  9. there’s
  10. It’s

Unit 2 Pyschology Speaking 12. GRAMMAR There's and it's (2)

  1. There’s (1,4,7,9)
  2. It’s (2,3,5,6,8,10)

Unit 2 Pyschology Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Schwa /ə/ in unstressed syllables

  1. ad-vise
  2. poi-son
  3. a-live
  4. col-or
  5. sen-tence
  6. prob-lem
  7. lo-ca-tion
  8. beau-ti-ful

Unit 2 Pyschology Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Asking for and giving reasons

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 6
  6. 3

Unit 2 Pyschology Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT Talk about the colors of your home

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 2 PyschologyCheck and Reflect16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How can colors be useful?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 2 PyschologyCheck and Reflect17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns

Unit 3 Social Psychology

Unit 3 Social Psychology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Why are social skills important?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. manners
  2. behavior
  3. Courtesy
  4. rude
  5. etiquette
  6. polite

Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 4. LISTENING SKILL Predicting

  1. No
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. Yes
  5. No
  6. No
  7. Yes
  8. Yes

Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 5. LISTENING COMPREHENSION Phone Interview Etiquette

  1. an advertising company
  2. was last month
  3. talk in private
  4. in public
  5. a crowded place
  6. use polite phrases
  7. take other calls
  8. don’t care enough
  9. check your email
  10. give the wrong answer

Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 6. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Applying what you learn

  1. a cheap light bulb
  2. He applied his knowledge of electricity.
  3. something you can use to help your life
  4. false
  5. Use that information in your life.
  6. asking an English speaker to recommend a good restaurant
  7. asking a sales clerk if a shirt and pants look good together
  8. Approach new people and make small talk.

Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 7. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Organizing notes

  1. Conversations in different cultures follow different rules of etiquette.
  2. For example, people from different cultures are more comfortable with silence than others.
  3. In American culture, the average person is only comfortable with a couple seconds of silence.
  4. If there is more than a couple of a seconds,

Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. principal
  2. deal with
  3. improve
  4. courteous
  5. influence
  6. respect
  7. valuable

Unit 3 Social Psychology Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Synonyms

  1. impolite
  2. scared
  3. intelligent
  4. behavior
  5. courteous
  6. shout
  7. main
  8. site

Unit 3 Social Psychology Speaking 11. GRAMMAR Modal verbs should and shouldn't

  1. shouldn’tget
  2. shoulddo
  3. shouldrelax
  4. shouldn’tdo
  5. shouldleave
  6. Should call
  7. should
  8. shoulddo
  9. shouldask
  10. Shouldstop
  11. shouldn’t

Unit 3 Social Psychology Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Modal verbs have to and has to

  1. have to
  2. have to
  3. have to
  4. have to
  5. has to
  6. have to
  7. Do have to
  8. doesn’t have to
  9. Does have to
  10. Do have to

Unit 3 Social Psychology Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Final /s/ or /z/ sounds

  1. teaches
  2. skills
  3. seems
  4. classes
  5. It’s
  6. another
  7. important
  8. sounds

Unit 3 Social Psychology Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Giving advice and making recommendations

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Unit 3 Social Psychology Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT Talk about etiquette in your country

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 3 Social PsychologyCheck and Reflect16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION Why are social skills important?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 3 Social Psychology Check and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns
deal with
shout out

Unit 4 Technology

Unit 4 Technology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How does technology affect our relationships?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 4 Technology Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Using symbols and abbreviations

  1. One successful business is Google.
  2. Google gives its workers lots of opportunities to create products.
  3. For example, cafes at work help workers share ideas about new products.
  4. And all workers can email the business leaders so they get new ideas fast.
  5. Managers receive coaching and support.

Unit 4 Technology Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 4 Technology Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. privacy
  2. forever
  3. post
  4. friendship
  5. meaningful
  6. face-to-face
  7. headline
  8. relationship

Unit 4 Technology Listening 5. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Curiosity

  1. It helps us learn better.
  2. How do they move?
  3. asking questions
  4. no
  5. How did they communicate with family and friends?
  6. What did children do for fun?
  7. What do parrots look like?
  8. neither questions A nor B

Unit 4 Technology Listening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION

  1. False
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False
  6. False

Unit 4 Technology Listening 7. LISTENING SKILL Listening for specific information

  1. when they are on their phones or computers
  2. to meet in real life
  3. gardening or Star Wars movies
  4. home
  5. a library
  6. a coffee shop

Unit 4 Technology Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 4 Technology Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. dependent on
  2. common
  3. disconnect
  4. digital
  5. scary
  6. strange
  7. find
  8. silly

Unit 4 Technology Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Using the dictionary

  1. voyage
  2. satellite
  3. receives
  4. definitely
  5. jewelry
  6. through
  7. degree
  8. recommend

Unit 4 Technology Speaking 11. GRAMMAR Comparatives

  1. lonelier
  2. less confident
  3. faster easier
  4. more difficult
  5. less convenient
  6. less useful
  7. less safe
  8. better

Unit 4 Technology Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION order of adjectives

  1. big new
  2. strange green
  3. beautiful Mexican
  4. long gray
  5. small French
  6. ugly blue
  7. delicious Chinese
  8. pretty long
  9. small young
  10. an expensive new
  11. broken old
  12. bright yellow

Unit 4 Technology Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Link between consonant sounds

  1. His sister
  2. news story
  3. not take
  4. with the
  5. good dish
  6. think cars
  7. never read
  8. drive very

Unit 4 Technology Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Asking for and giving clarification

  1. What do you mean by “third places”?
  2. That’s right. They’re the same.
  3. What’s a bully?
  4. Let me explain. It was broken.
  5. Could you explain what social media are?
  6. What I mean is that it costs a lot.

Unit 4 Technology Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 4 Technology Check and Reflect 16

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 4 TechnologyCheck and Reflect17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns

Unit 5 Sociology

Unit 5 Sociology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What does it mean to be part of a family?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 5 Sociology Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Using a simple outline

  1. Identical twins inherit the same genes.
  2. Studying them helps us understand biolgical influences.
  3. Twins feel close because they have a similar appearance.
  4. Yes, identical twins tend to be similar if they didn’t grow up together.

Unit 5 Sociology Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 5 Sociology Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. coincidence
  2. identity
  3. tendency
  4. appearance
  5. inherited
  6. twins
  7. get along
  8. separate

Unit 5 Sociology Listening 5. LISTENING COMPREHENSION

  1. How the Internet affects family life
  2. He is a teacher.
  3. She is a researcher.
  4. The Internet has negative effects on family life.
  5. The blog was taking too much time.
  6. The Internet brings families together.
  7. 47 percent
  8. look at websites
  9. exchange pictures

Unit 5 Sociology Listening 6. LISTENING SKILL Listening for reasons and explanations

NOT Phil Romero or Helen KowalskiHelen KowalskiPhil Romero
Many families write blogs together.
The Internet is an important research tool.
Families often play video games together online.
It's easy to send photos to family members using the Internet.
Almost 50 percent of people say the Internet brings families together.
Kids spend hours alone in their rooms playing video games.
People live in the same house, but they don't have a "family life.

Unit 5 Sociology Listening 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 5 Sociology Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. database
  2. cousin
  3. ancestors
  4. input
  5. participants
  6. records
  7. slaves
  8. searched

Unit 5 Sociology Listening 9. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Ranking

  1. to analyze data
  2. Abby’s Eats
  3. Dave’s Diner
  4. Bob’s Bistro
  5. price
  6. It helps us choose the computer with the best features.
  7. no
  8. the size of the pet

Unit 5 SociologyListening10. VOCABULARY SKILL Word families: verbs, nouns, adjectives

Adjectives NounsVerbs
My cousins are identical twins!
Brad actually looks a lot like his adoptive parents
I thought the professor's explanation was very clear.
Does the Internet improve communication between parents and children?
These products look the same. Why is there such a big difference in price?
Sofia and Mark are planning to adopt a child.
Good managers know how to communicate with their employees.
Can you identify the people in this photograph?

Unit 5 Sociology Speaking 11. GRAMMAR Auxiliary verbs in questions

  1. do
  2. Can
  3. are
  4. Did
  5. does
  6. Is
  7. were
  8. can

Unit 5 Sociology Speaking 12. GRAMMAR Auxiliary verbs in questions

  1. Did Lee find his biological mother?
  2. What can he learn from his grandfather?
  3. Is Alex learning about his family tree?
  4. Do they know their Japanese grandparents
  5. What does Mai know about her family history?
  6. Who do you look like?

Unit 5 Sociology Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Intonation in questions with or

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Unit 5 Sociology Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Expressing opinions

  1. For me
  2. But for me
  3. I feel that
  4. in your view
  5. I don't think
  6. in his opinion
  7. in my view

Unit 5 Sociology Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT Talk about friends and family

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Unit 5 Sociology Check and Reflect 16

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 5 Sociology Check and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns
separate livesinherit hair color
search for information
get along with people
first cousins
a tendency to be late
one of my ancestors
an amazing coincidence
a similar appearance
a participant in the study
a set of twins
nart of my identity

Unit 6 Behavioral

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How can playing games be good for you?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Reviewing and editing notes

  1. version
  2. retirement
  3. real life events
  4. spin
  5. six people
  6. make good decisions
  7. money

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 3. LISTENING SKILL Listening for dates and other numbers

  1. 2010
  2. 19
  3. 1475
  4. 500
  5. 1000
  6. 1851
  7. 1972
  8. 1975
  9. 8
  10. 1985
  11. 269

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 5. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. developer
  2. react
  3. object
  4. entertainment
  5. stress
  6. benefit
  7. useful
  8. positive

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION Games for Creativity

  1. conference
  2. design company
  3. draw pictures
  4. embarrassed by
  5. Children
  6. brainstorming
  7. two
  8. many
  9. laugh
  10. 30 pictures
  11. creativity

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

تسجيل صوتي على الطالب

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. lose
  2. pressure
  3. wonderful
  4. tournament
  5. coach
  6. disappointment
  7. apply
  8. competitive

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 9. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Identifying "false" inferences

  1. they are overconfident.
  2. There are only two people in the race.
  3. false conclusion
  4. either false or valid.
  5. It goes too far beyond the information given.
  6. The satin bowerbird prefers items that are blue.
  7. All birds prefer the color blue.
  8. I’m stressed, so I could play video games to reduce stress.

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Word families: suffixes

  1. honesty
  2. difficulty
  3. creativity
  4. simplicity
  5. activity
  6. reality
  7. morality
  8. scarcity

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Speaking 11. GRAMMAR 1 Imperative verbs

  1. choosepick
  2. Look
  3. Select
  4. Go
  5. Don't move
  6. restart
  7. Don't push
  8. Start

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Imperative sentences

  1. Play the game with your brother
  2. Follow the directions for the recipe
  3. Turn off the oven when the food is hot
  4. Start the timer when you are ready to go
  5. Find three players to join the team
  6. Don’t start the game too late

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Word stress

  1. pre-sen-ta-tion
  2. es-ti-ma-tion
  3. char-i-ty
  4. com-plex-i-ty
  5. per-fec-tion
  6. cal-cu-late
  7. cre-a-tion
  8. in-tro-duc-tion
  9. ac-tiv-i-ty
  10. im-per-a-tive

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Giving instructions

3 8 4 9 2 5 1 10 6 7

Unit 6 Behavioral ScienceSpeaking15. ALTERNATIVE UNIT ASSIGNMENT Talk about your favorite game

تسجيل صوتي

Unit 6 Behavioral ScienceCheck and Reflect16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How can playing games be good for you?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 6 Behavioral Science Check and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns
useful information
competitive athlete
wonderful news
positive feeling
apply to school
lose a game
react angrily
the object
some developers
our coach
a tournament
a benefit
her disappointment
the pressure

Unit 7 Environmental Science Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How do people survive in extreme environments?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 2. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Preparing to take notes in class

  1. joined together, linked
  2. a person who tries to protect and save animals and the environment
  3. a person, place, or thing from which something comes
  4. to present

Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 4. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. freezing
  2. threat
  3. permanent
  4. suitable
  5. process
  6. attack
  7. fascinating
  8. remain

Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 5. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Categorizing

  1. categorize them.
  2. Animals and Foods
  3. Domestic Animals.
  4. light bulb
  5. understand and remember things more easlily and look at them in different ways
  6. Things That Help Us
  7. Things You Can Smell and Things You Can’t Smell
  8. tornado, lightning, cyclone, rain

Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION

  1. coral reefs
  2. one-quarter
  3. Very hot temperatures
  4. Less extreme
  5. save animals
  6. Tibet
  7. in freezing temperatures with little oxygen

Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 7. LISTENING SKILL Recognizing a speaker's attitude

  1. excited about
  2. upset about
  3. worried about
  4. serious
  5. confused

Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 9. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. suburb
  2. earthquake
  3. neighborhood
  4. elevator
  5. response
  6. height
  7. shake
  8. resident

Unit 7 Environmental Science Listening 10. VOCABULARY SKILL Compund nouns

  1. wall
  2. room
  3. fire
  4. living
  5. washing
  6. person
  7. back
  8. office

Unit 7 Environmental Science Speaking 11. GRAMMAR Future with will

  1. willattract
  2. won't go
  3. Will pay
  4. won'tmake
  5. willsmell
  6. willreduce
  7. Willrecycle
  8. won'tfloat
  9. willbegin
  10. willstudy

Unit 7 Environmental Science Speaking 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION be going to and will

  1. is going to
  2. will
  3. am going to
  4. will
  5. will
  6. will
  7. am going to
  8. will
  9. will
  10. am going to

Unit 7 Environmental Science Speaking 13. PRONUNCIATION Word stress in compound nouns

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Unit 7 Environmental Science Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Summarizing

Coral reefs are very important but threatened by climate change.

Animals living in extreme environments now also are in danger.

The polar bear is an example of an animal that needs an extreme environment.

Wild yaks are in danger.

Unit 7 Environmental Science Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT

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Unit 7 Environmental Science Check and Reflect 16

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 7 Environmental Science Check and Reflect 17. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review



Unit 8 Public Health Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION How important is cleanliness?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 8 Public Health Listening 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 8 Public Health Listening 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. raising plants and animals for food
  2. normal weather conditions in an area
  3. illnesses of the body in humans or animals
  4. conditions related to public health
  5. normal or typical
  6. to speak and stop someone from speaking
  7. not having enough of something
  8. to make something smaller or less

Unit 8 Public Health Listening 4. LISTENING COMPREHENSION

  1. human bacteria and germs on the Martian environment
  2. Martians attacking Earth
  3. a machine that is exploring Mars
  4. on the vehicles sent from Earth
  5. to make sure the vehicles are as clean as possible
  6. It means that there might be life on Mars.
  7. They don’t want pollution from Earth to spread to Mars.
  8. They got sick from Earth’s germs.

Unit 8 Public Health Listening 5. LISTENING SKILL Recognizing facts and opinions


Mars is much colder than earth.
It never rains on Mars.
Traveling to Mars will cause changes in the human body.
There is ice on Mars.
There are better things to spend money on than travel to Mars.
Humans can benefit from the resources on Mars.
Humans should not risk changing the Martian environment.
Travel to Mars is too risky for humans

Unit 8 Public Health Listening 6. NOTE-TAKING SKILL Using notes to write a summary

  1. The study shows new findings.
  2. The same bacteria that are helpful on the skin are harmful under the skin.
  3. Some bacteria that live on the skin are helpful.
  4. It’s the name of the bacteria but not essential to the main idea of the research.
  5. The effect of bacteria on the skin and under the skin
  6. The bacteria are very dangerous to humans.

Unit 8 Public Health Listening 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 8 Public Health Listening 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. The door opens by itself.
  2. Your decision was an intelligent one.
  3. The kitchen isn’t modern enough.
  4. Norma gets sick if she eats seafood.
  5. Cleanliness is a good way to protect yourself from disease.
  6. Kitchens often contain things that can make you sick.
  7. Before you exercise, you should let your body process the food you eat.
  8. If the windows are open, the car won’t stay clean.

Unit 8 Public Health Listening 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Using the dictionary

  1. an adjective
  2. a noun
  3. a verb
  4. formal
  5. first
  6. third
  7. sanitary

Unit 8 Public Health Speaking 10. GRAMMAR If clauses for future possibility

  1. If it doesn’t rain soon, the city will run out of water
  2. If people don’t start saving water, the city will make a law about it
  3. If people have to pay more for water, they will be unhappy
  4. Ifcows drink from the river, the water will become polluted
  5. If the water is polluted, other people won’t be able to use the water
  6. If students wash their hands more often, they will get fewer colds

Unit 8 Public Health Speaking 11. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Future time clauses

  1. take
  2. will call
  3. start
  4. will cook
  5. am going to take
  6. will buy
  7. will have
  8. will watch
  9. will visit
  10. will send

Unit 8 Public Health Speaking 12. PRONUNCIATION Function words and stress


Function WordsContent Words
I want to decrease the amount of germs I get on my hands.
… using soap and water is the best way to clean your hands.
Everyone should be sensible about keeping their bodies clean.
I clean my hands a lot because I think sanitation is important.
Keeping clean is a good defense against diseases.
I think using sanitizer is better because it kills bacteria.
Both ways help you stay healthy.

Unit 8 Public Health Speaking 13. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Appraising solutions to problems

  1. It helps you find the best solution.
  2. a criterion
  3. It will stop animals from getting to the river.
  4. It causes more problems than it solves.
  5. It was cheaper than building a new water system.
  6. Build a water system.
  7. Wait until you have more money to go out to eat.
  8. Wait until you can afford to live alone before getting a pet.

Unit 8 Public Health Speaking 14. SPEAKING SKILL Participating in a group discussion

  1. She refers to what the previous speaker said.
  2. She goes off the topic.
  3. He interrupts.
  4. She speaks too softly.
  5. He listens for the main ideas of the conversation.
  6. He invites others to participate in the discussion.

Unit 8 Public Health Speaking 15. ALTERNATE UNIT ASSIGNMENT Talk about cleanliness

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Unit 8 Public Health Check and Reflect 16

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 8 Public Health Check and Reflect 16. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How important is cleanliness?




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