Unit 1 Marketing Discussion

Unit 1 Marketing Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Why does something become popular?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 1 Marketing Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 1 Marketing Reading3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. express
  2. trend
  3. spread
  4. connected to
  5. find out
  6. clear
  7. contribute

Unit 1 Marketing Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION Predicting Future Trends

  1. what will happen in the future
  2. predict trends
  3. asking questions to small groups of people
  4. They can lose money.
  5. a book
  6. Technology would be more important.
  7. most of the time
  8. make better products

Unit 1 Marketing Reading 5. READING SKILL Identifying the main idea of a paragraph

  1. Companies are interested in predicting future trends.
  2. Companies use special methods to make predictions.
  3. John Naisbitt wrote a book to predict future trends.
  4. Good predictions help companies make better products and more money.

Unit 1 Marketing Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 1 Marketing Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. psychologist
  2. study
  3. researcher
  4. recommend
  5. reviews
  6. social
  7. influenced
  8. purchase

Unit 1 Marketing Reading 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Putting ideas in order

  1. putting them in places like first and second.
  2. Both answers are correct
  3. importance.
  4. time.
  5. importance.
  6. time.
  7. time.
  8. importance.

Unit 1 Marketing Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Word families

  1. choice
  2. choose
  3. connection
  4. connect
  5. contribute
  6. contribution
  7. discuss
  8. discussion
  9. gift
  10. give
  11. inform
  12. information

Unit 1 Marketing Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Writing a descriptive paragraph

  1. Topic
  2. NOT the topic or controlling idea
  3. controlling idea
  4. controlling idea
  5. Topic
  6. NOT the topic or controlling idea
  7. controlling idea
  8. controlling idea
  9. Topic

Unit 1 Marketing Writing 11. GRAMMAR Present continuous

  1. is learning
  2. is taking
  3. are contributing
  4. am spending
  5. is becoming
  6. is taking
  7. is starting
  8. are listening
  9. is discussing
  10. is giving

Unit 1 Marketing Writing 12. GRAMMAR EXPANSION Simple present

  1. have
  2. are eating
  3. is reading
  4. are closing
  5. knows
  6. is studying
  7. are learning
  8. call
  9. costs
  10. owns

Unit 1 MarketingWriting13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model descriptive paragraph

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Unit 1 MarketingWriting14. WRITING TUTOR Write a desciptive paragraph

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Unit 1 Marketing Check and Reflect 15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION Why does something become popular?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 1 Marketing Check and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns
find out

Unit 2 Psychology

Unit 2 Psychology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How do colors affect our behavior?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 2 Psychology Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 2 Psychology Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. unaware
  2. psychology
  3. affect
  4. culture
  5. represent
  6. Variety
  7. character
  8. universal

Unit 2 Psychology Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION Men, Women, and Color

  1. authority
  2. stability
  3. black
  4. green
  5. purple
  6. It is boring.
  7. green and blue
  8. gray
  9. red, yellow, and orange

Unit 2 Psychology Reading 5. READING SKILL Getting meaning from context

  1. to like something better
  2. strength and steadiness
  3. the power to tell other people what to do
  4. means
  5. for women
  6. not interesting
  7. often
  8. not well liked

Unit 2 Psychology Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 2 Psychology Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. notice
  2. establish
  3. dependable
  4. advertising
  5. consider
  6. encourage
  7. services
  8. environment

Unit 2 Psychology Reading 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Restating

  1. write about the same ideas using different words.
  2. saying something again in a different way.
  3. feeling good.
  4. found.
  5. Colors can change the way your mind works and the way you behave.
  6. check if we know something well.
  7. Universities in many countries are assisting learners in making their lives better.
  8. Many interested people came to hear about how the business succeeded.

Unit 2 Psychology Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Suffixes

  1. joy
  2. joyful
  3. educational
  4. education
  5. finance
  6. financial
  7. cheerful
  8. cheer
  9. biological
  10. biology
  11. national
  12. nation

Unit 2 Psychology Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Brainstorming

Not Brainstorming Brainstorming
Table DataWrite for 20-30 minutes
Check your writing for correct grammar.
Write in complete sentences.
Decide on a topic right away.
Write down only your best ideas.
Write for 5-10 minutes.
Write down every idea that you think of.
Wait until you are done to judge your ideas.
List related ideas.
Make a diagram of connected ideas.

Unit 2 Psychology Writing 11. GRAMMAR Future with will

  1. will open
  2. will paint
  3. won't let
  4. won't leave
  5. will get
  6. 'll help
  7. won't be

Unit 2 Psychology Writing 12. GRAMMAR Future with will

  1. will graduate
  2. have
  3. are
  4. be
  5. will
  6. will be
  7. am going
  8. I'll be
  9. will come

Unit 2 PsychologyWriting13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model business proposal

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Unit 2 PsychologyWriting14. WRITING TUTOR Write a model business proposal

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Unit 2 PsychologyCheck and Reflect15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How do colors affect our behavior?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 2 PsychologyCheck and Reflect16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns

Unit 3 Social Psychology

Unit 3 Social PsychologyDiscussion1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What does it mean to be polite?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 3 Social Pyschology Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 3 Social Pyschology Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTIC

  1. appropriately
  2. firmly
  3. manners
  4. awkward
  5. gestures
  6. behavior
  7. impression

Unit 3 Social Pyschology Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION Politeness in American Culture

  1. something you can’t see
  2. far from other people
  3. an arm
  4. They will feel uncomfortable.
  5. Ask permission before you use their things
  6. larger
  7. talk quietly in public
  8. at 6 a.m.

Unit 3 Social Pyschology Reading 5. READING SKILL Identifying supporting details

Supporting detailsMain ideas
Even in crowds, people in the U.S. try not to touch people that they don't know.
Most of these rules are not written down.
Another person should not touch those items without being told that it is OK.
You should be careful not to be too noisy in a place like a restaurant.
In every country, there are rules about how to behave.
People in the U.S. like to think that they have an invisible "personal space."
In a public space like a library, the space gets even bigger.
Another idea about personal space has to do with noise.

Unit 3 Social Pyschology Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 3 Social Pyschology Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. interrupt
  2. typical
  3. informal
  4. custom
  5. avoid
  6. traditional
  7. took part

Unit 3 Social Pyschology Reading8. VOCABULARY SKILL Prefixes


Unit 3 Social Pyschology Writing 9. WRITING SKILL Supporting your main ideas with examples

  1. 1- For example they say please and thank you.
  2. 2- For instance sit up straight and look genuinely interested and keep good eye contact.
  3. 3- For example they don’t thank each other.
  4. 4- For instance don’t point and don’t cross your arms.

Unit 3 Social Pyschology Writing 10. GRAMMAR Subject-verb agreement

  1. are (1-6-9)
  2. is

Unit 3 Social Pyschology Writing 11. GRAMMAR Subject-verb agreement

  1. includes
  2. are
  3. is
  4. are
  5. washes
  6. graduate
  7. speak
  8. include
  9. was
  10. are
  11. is
  12. are

Unit 3 Social Pyschology Writing 12. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Organizing ideas with a rough outline

  1. a quick outline with short notes.
  2. before you write.
  3. doing a writing test.
  4. a list or a diagram
  5. Write your main idea at the top of the paper.
  6. Speak quietly when you are on a call.
  7. Main topic
    Key Idea
  8. a gaming video card

Unit 3 Social PyschologyWriting13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model paragraph with supporting examples

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Unit 3 Social PyschologyWriting14. WRITING TUTOR Write a paragraph with supporting examples

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Unit 3 Social PyschologyCheck and Reflect15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION What does it mean to be polite?

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Unit 3 Social Pyschology Check and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns
make a good impression
take part in

Unit 4 Technology

Unit 4 Technology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How can technology improve performance?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 4 Technology Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 4 Technology Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. take care of
  2. situation
  3. performance
  4. specific
  5. under pressure
  6. examine
  7. technology
  8. replace

Unit 4 Technology Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION

  1. cannot move a part of your body
  2. equipment that you wear to help you move
  3. in the 1960s
  4. diving in a pool
  5. for two months
  6. to walk at his graduation
  7. 2018
  8. lighter and easier to use

Unit 4 Technology Reading 5. READING SKILL Taking notes

Aldo Amenta benefited First exoskeleton What are exoskeletons?
November 2015: broke neck, was paralyzed
Two months in hospital
Took almost year to learn to walk
December 2018: walked in graduation
1960s: developed
Heavy, uncomfortable
For helping people lift things
Help people stand and walk
Electronic signals help person move legs
Equipment attached outside body

Unit 4 TechnologyReading6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 4 Technology Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. something that helps you or is useful
  2. made to copy something natural
  3. to officially say that something is not allowed
  4. strength to be active without getting tired
  5. the things needed to do a particular activity
  6. to make something for the first time
  7. the cause of something
  8. not treating each person equally

Unit 4 Technology Reading 8. VOCABULARY Using a dictionary

  1. noun
  2. second
  3. adjective
  4. a noun or a verb
  5. on
  6. to give your opinion
  7. business
  8. financial aid

Unit 4 Technology Reading 9. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Organizing ideas with a graphic organizer

  1. Your writing will be clearer.
  2. a picture or diagram that shows how something is organized
  3. opinion or topic sentence
  4. supporting details
  5. Physical activity builds healthy bodies.
  6. Many doctors recommend that people
  7. evaluate and improve your ideas.
  8. VR headset sales are higher than ever.

Unit 4 Technology Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Writing an opinion paragraph

  1. Sentence 1
  2. Sentence 5
  3. Children learn more about fairness when they make their own rules.
  4. I think…
  5. 3
  6. In an informal game, children must agree upon the rules of the game before they start.
  7. For these reasons, I think that children should be encouraged to play informal outdoor games more often.

Unit 4 Technology Writing 11. GRAMMAR Modals

  1. You shouldn’tinclude jokes in your history paper
  2. You should start working on your report
  3. Students must attend this class every day
  4. You ought to give a reason for arriving late
  5. We shouldnot talk so loudly
  6. You ought to ask your teacher aboutthe assignment

Unit 4 Technology Writing 12. GRAMMAR Modals

  1. would rather
  2. would like
  3. would rather
  4. would prefer
  5. Would you like
  6. would prefer
  7. I’d like
  8. would like
  9. would rather
  10. would prefer

Unit 4 TechnologyWriting13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model opinion paragraph

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Unit 4 TechnologyWriting14. WRITING TUTOR Write an opinion pragraph

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Unit 4 TechnologyCheck and Reflect15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How can technology improve performance?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 4 Technology Check and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives Verb and Verbs Phrases Nouns
take care of

Unit 5 Business

Unit 5 Business Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What makes a family business successful?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 5 Business Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 5 Business Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. to control or be in charge of something
  2. a person with special knowledge or skill
  3. when people are in agreement
  4. a large business or company
  5. the ability to control fear
  6. to invent, plan, or develop something
  7. an ability or good quality of a person
  8. to get bigger, or make something bigger

Unit 5 Business Reading 4. READING SKILL Skimming

  1. 6
  2. a place where older people can live independently
  3. 2
  4. the nuclear family
  5. 4
  6. with their children
  7. what country you live in
  8. together in the same house or apartment

Unit 5 Business Reading 5. READING COMPREHENSION Who Is in Your Family?

  1. three
  2. grandparents
  3. American
  4. parents and children
  5. the Middle East
  6. They want to be independent
  7. rare
  8. in a retirement community

Unit 5 Business Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 5 Business Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. goal
  2. pass down
  3. fail
  4. lifestyle
  5. enthusiasm
  6. challenge
  7. depend on
  8. realistic

Unit 5 Business Reading 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Drawing conclusions

  1. make a decision using information we have.
  2. after we get information from different sources.
  3. combine the information from different sources to draw a conclusion.
  4. Make a chart to help you summarize what you learned.
  5. at the end.
  6. The quality of a product is the most important feature of a successful business
  7. Pet shops are difficult to run as a business because of the high costs, the variety of possible pets, and the fact that many people only buy one pet at a time
  8. If you have a competitive online sports game and you can organize competitions around it, you might be able to have a successful E-Sports business.

Unit 5 Business Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Using the dictionary

  1. noun or verb
  2. noun or verb
  3. no
  4. art
  5. yes
  6. first
  7. sometimes
  8. challenged

Unit 5 Business Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Unity in a paragraph

  1. Sentence 1
  2. Sentence 5
  3. Support
  4. Give detail
  5. 5
  6. Sentence 9

Unit 5 Business Writing 11. GRAMMAR Comparative and superlative adjectives

  1. clearer
  2. more appropriate
  3. firmest
  4. best
  5. most dependable
  6. more specific
  7. wealthiest
  8. harder
  9. most typical
  10. worst

Unit 5 Business Writing 12. GRAMMAR Comparative and superlative adjectives

  1. That is the tallest building downtown
  2. She is the most famous person from my town
  3. That soccer team has the strongest athlete in the city
  4. That is the deepest lake in the United States
  5. She got the best score on the math test
  6. It was the coldest winter we ever had

Unit 5 BusinessWriting13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model plan for a family business

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Unit 5 BusinessWriting14. WRITING TUTOR Write a plan for a family business

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Unit 5 BusinessCheck and Reflect15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION What makes a family business successful?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 5 Business Check and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives Verb and Verbs Phrases Nouns
depend on
pass down

Unit 6 Brain Science

Unit 6 Brain Science Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How can you learn faster and better?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 6 Brain Science Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 6 Brain Science Reading 3. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. process
  2. benefit
  3. provide
  4. decrease
  5. pace
  6. interact
  7. automatically
  8. comfort zone

Unit 6 Brain Science Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION

  1. fourth
  2. explain
  3. learning
  4. professor
  5. write the name of the idea on paper
  6. simple
  7. review and revise it
  8. a classmate

Unit 6 Brain Science Reading 5. READING SKILL Identifying the author's purpose

Not the author's purpose Author's purpose
To tell you an interesting personal story
To express a personal opinion about something
To try to make you laugh
To make you more interested in math
To give you information about something
To teach you how to do something
To help you improve your learning

Unit 6 Brain Science Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 6 Brain Science Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. frustrated
  2. productive
  3. access
  4. eventually
  5. period
  6. internal
  7. concept
  8. assist

Unit 6 Brain Science Reading 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Predicting topics and ideas

  1. try to guess what will happen next.
  2. understand and remember a reading.
  3. read it quickly.
  4. all of the above
  5. What kind of reading is it?
  6. Brain-Friendly, Ways, Remember, Words, Reading
  7. a new way students can study
  8. Students study too much at school.

Unit 6 Brain Science Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Using the dictionary

  1. definition 1, meaning 2
  2. definition 2
  3. definition 1, meaning 1
  4. definition 1, meaning 2
  5. definition 1, meaning 1
  6. definition 1, meaning 1
  7. definition 1, meaning 3
  8. definition 2

Unit 6 Brain Science Writing 10.WRITING SKILL Describing a process

  1. First
  2. Before
  3. While
  4. Later
  5. Next
  6. After that
  7. When
  8. Finally

Unit 6 Brain ScienceWriting11. GRAMMAR Infinitives of purpose

Does NOT have an infinitive of purpose HAS an infinitive of purpose
Alicia planned to get up early and go to the gym.
I want to make a plane reservation for my trip.
I like to relax by walking in the park.
We hope to buy concert tickets today.
I stopped at the gas station to buy some gas.
I'm saving money to buy a new bicycle.
The clerk scanned the sweater to check the price.
Jose called yesterday to tell me some good news.
My mother shops early to avoid the crowds.
I went to the bank to get some money.

Unit 6 Brain Science Writing 12. GRAMMAR Infinitives of purpose

  1. to get money.
  2. to see the animals.
  3. to tell them about my week.
  4. to stay healthy.
  5. to save money.
  6. to wake up.
  7. to stay warm.

Unit 6 Brain ScienceWriting13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model paragraph describing a process

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Unit 6 Brain ScienceWriting14. WRITING TUTOR Write a paragraph describing a process

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Unit 6 Brain ScienceCheck and Reflect15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How can you learn faster and better?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 6 Brain ScienceCheck and Reflect16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Adjectives VerbsNouns and Noun Phrases
comfort zone

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceDiscussion1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Do cities need nature?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceReading2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 7 Environmental ScienceReading3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. unable
  2. emotional
  3. attitude
  4. divide it into
  5. experience
  6. better understanding of
  7. benefit from
  8. generous

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceReading4. READING SKILL Identifying claims and support

  1. a claim supported by research
  2. a fact that most people accept as true
  3. a claim supported by a fact in the article
  4. a claim supported by information from the Environmental Protection Agency
  5. a claim that is not supported by any facts in the article

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceReading5. READING COMPREHENSION

  1. Because more and more people are living in cities.
  2. Nature in cities improves physical health.
  3. Walking in nature makes people feel relaxed and less stressed.
  4. It causes breathing problems.
  5. They actually remove pollution from the air.
  6. 20 to 45
  7. Parks encourage people to be physically active.
  8. Cities will add more nature, and people’s health will improve.

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceReading6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 7 Environmental ScienceReading7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. surround
  2. government
  3. ancient
  4. plant
  5. wildlife
  6. connected
  7. remarkable
  8. as a result

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceReading8. VOCABULARY SKILL Phrasal verbs

  1. throw away
  2. fell down
  3. watch out
  4. picked up
  5. put on
  6. fell apart
  7. wore out
  8. stopped by

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceWriting9. GRAMMAR Simple past and past continuous

  1. a short sentence
  2. After World War II ended, the U.S. economy grew, and many people had jobs.
  3. They wanted to spend less time working.
  4. Sentence 6
  5. 0
  6. Companies made products to help them.
  7. a question.
  8. Just throw them away and get new ones!

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceWriting10. GRAMMAR Simple past and past continuous

  1. complained
  2. entered
  3. were taking
  4. was studying
  5. found
  6. tried
  7. was studying
  8. was raining
  9. wrote
  10. told

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceWriting11. WRITING SKILL Using sentence variety

Completed or repeated actionAction of long durationInterrupted action
I listened to my mother tell a story last night.
Henry finished his book a few minutes ago.
I told everyone about my vacation when I returned.
When I lived in college, I visited my family every summer.
It snowed every winter when I lived in that town
I was practicing my speech for three hours.
We were camping last week.
Jackson was going to school all year
Jun was studying when his mother called him for dinner.
I was writing her an email when she called.
Ilene was driving home when it started snowing.

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceWriting12. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Analyzing and evaluating ideas

  1. think about the parts of something to understand it.
  2. form an opinion about the value of something.
  3. have a deeper understanding of a topic.
  4. Ask yourself questions about it.
  5. Cars cause too much pollution.
  6. Do my reasons have facts to support
  7. Many scientific studies’ conclusions do not agree with each other.
  8. Can people easily understand and relate to my opinion?

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceWriting13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model opinion paragraph

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Unit 7 Environmental ScienceWriting14. WRITING TUTOR Write an opinion paragraph

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Unit 7 Environmental ScienceCheck and Reflect15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION Do cities need nature?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 7 Environmental ScienceCheck and Reflect16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

Nouns and Noun Phrases Verb and Verbs Phrases Adjectives
a better understanding of attitude wildlife government benefit from divide into found that relax surround ancient emotional generous remarkable unable

Unit 8 Public Health Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How can we prevent diseases?

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Unit 8 Public Health Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 8 Public Health Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE

  1. virus
  2. symptoms
  3. fever
  4. develop
  5. severe
  6. related
  7. cure
  8. cover

Unit 8 Public Health Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION The Common Cold

  1. True
  2. False
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False
  6. True
  7. True
  8. False
  9. True
  10. False

Unit 8 Public Health Reading 5. READING SKILL Synthesizing information

  1. Both a cold and the flu
  2. A cold
  3. The flu
  4. A cold
  5. Both a cold and the flu
  6. The flu
  7. The flu
  8. The flu
  9. Both a cold and the flu

Unit 8 Public Health Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION

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Unit 8 Public Health Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE

  1. emergency
  2. contaminated
  3. risk
  4. treat
  5. contagious
  6. outbreak
  7. source
  8. prevention

Unit 8 Public Health Reading 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Summarizing main ideas

  1. describe the details.
  2. the topic sentence.
  3. No
  4. shorter than the original reading
  5. Sentence 1
  6. Sentence 2
  7. An article in Harvard Health Publishing says there are ten easy things people can do to get healthier.
  8. Australian people are encouraged to make crafts because it is good for their minds and bodies.

Unit 8 Public Health Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Collocations

  1. increase in
  2. succeed in
  3. comment on
  4. contributes to
  5. participate in
  6. In response to
  7. in favor of
  8. in common with

Unit 8 Public Health Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Writing an explanatory paragraph

  1. is a step you can take to keep a sick person away from others.
  2. a very small living thing that causes disease.
  3. appears very suddenly in many people.
  4. something bad will happen.
  5. spreads all over the world very quickly.
  6. you use to achieve something.
  7. influences a decision or a situation.
  8. working with others to achieve a goal.

Unit 8 Public Health Writing 11. GRAMMAR Adverbs of manner and degree

    1. I

to get
the job

  • Most




their hands



  • I





at his reaction

to the bad news

  • The company




new vaccine



  • Damage



the storm




  • I was




that he


my recommendations

Unit 8 Public HealthWriting12. GRAMMAR Adverbs of manner and degree

  1. The doctors tried hard to save patient’s life
  2. The nurse responded quickly when the patient called.
  3. The patient listened carefully to the doctor’s advice.
  4. The patient was extremely nervous.
  5. The doctors spoke seriously about the patient’s condition.

Unit 8 Public HealthWriting13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model explanatory paragraph

لا يوجد عليها درجات

Unit 8 Public HealthWriting14. WRITING TUTOR Write an explanatory paragraph

لا يوجد عليها درجات

Unit 8 Public HealthCheck and Reflect15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How can we prevent diseases?

إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة

Unit 8 Public Health Check and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review

NounsVerb and Verbs PhrasesAdjectives
take steps

زر الذهاب إلى الأعلى