كتاب القراءة والكتابة Level 3
Unit 1 Sociology Discussion
Unit 1 Sociology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How do you make a good first impression?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 1 Sociology Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 1 Sociology Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
- confidence
- selected
- demonstrated
- lead to
- maintain
- appreciate
- effective
- strangers
Unit 1 Sociology Reading 4. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Identifying a causal chain
- one event in the chain causes the next event to occur
- the main cause
- There is more demand for jobs in medicine.
- Time order events don't need the previous event to cause the next one.
- a cause-effect event
- When you meet your friend, she asks you how you are. You tell her you have a headache, so she asks if she can help. Since she asked if you needed help, you feel a little better because that makes you think your friend is a good person.
- I'm having a really bad day today. First, my alarm clock didn't go off. I missed the bus so I had to take a taxi, but the taxi driver got lost and it took a lot longer than it should have to get to work! When I got to my office, my co-workers had just finished eating a complimentary breakfast and there was nothing left. I should just go home.
- time order series of events
Unit 1 Sociology Reading 5. READING COMPREHENSION Professional Email Etiquette
- basic rules about how to act
- writing to a friend
- The subject line should also include the greeting.
- Information about your interview process
- Dear Prof. Miller,
- missing commas or periods
- edit your entire email
- Etiquette is important for leaving a good first impression.
Unit 1 Sociology Reading 6. READING SKILL Identifying main ideas and supporting details
Main Idea | Supporting Detail |
A professional email should be complete. Formal emails also need to have correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Being professional when you write emails means following certain standards. If you are careful about how you write, you can leave a good first impression. |
There should always be a greeting in formal emails. Missing commas or periods might demonstrate to others that you are not careful. Always put a subject in the subject line. Avoid using slang or abbreviations like LOL or BTW. |
Unit 1 Sociology Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 1 Sociology Reading 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE
- expect
- research
- weaknesses
- authentic
- accomplishments
- consider
- punctual
- responsible
- professional
Unit 1 Sociology Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Using the dictionary to identify word forms
- accomplished
- considerably
- confident
- demonstration
- impression
- offensive
- responsibly
- selective
Unit 1 Sociology Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Organizing and developing a paragraph
- topic sentence
- subtopic
- supporting detail
- subtopic
- subtopic
- supporting detail
- supporting detail
- concluding sentence
Unit 1 Sociology Writing 11. GRAMMAR Real conditionals: present and future (1)
- gets
- could have
- won't be
- doesn't rain
- will get
- might not finish
- won't play
- isn't
- leave
- buy
Unit 1 Sociology Writing 12. GRAMMAR Real conditionals: present and future (2)
- you will impress the interviewer.
- you are not likely to get a refund from the store.
- he may think you are not confident.
- you will earn more money.
- you will feel accomplished.
- you will sound better.
Unit 1 Sociology Writing 13. WRITING TUTOR Read a model "how to" paragraph
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Unit 1 Sociology Writing 14. WRITING TUTOR Write a "how to" paragraph
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Unit 1 Sociology Review and Reflect 15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How do you make a good first impression?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 1 Sociology Review and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives |
accomplishment weakness slang confidence stranger |
consider expect select appreciate demonstrate |
authentic professional effective responsible punctual |
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Discussion
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What makes food attractive?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION
تسجيل صوتي على الطالب
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
- balanced
- made up of
- recognized
- system
- likely
- identify
- sensitive
- typically
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Reading 4. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Making inferences
- using information you learn and information you know
- a professor gives information that is not direct or clear
- What does the author know about the subject?
- Martin does not like raw carrots.
- Your children may start using the same language.
- She forgot her umbrella.
- Cakes are usually used for celebrations.
- They were going to have a surprise birthday party.
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Reading 5. READING SKILL Previewing a text
How to Follow the Diet | Benefits of the Grapefruit Diet | Doubts and Concerns |
The diet involves eating a lot of grapefruit. Dieters also drink at least one glass of grapefruit juice at each meal. In all, no more than 1,000 calories are consumed per day. |
It is a natural diet. Grapefruit may even reduce cholesterol levels. People who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost an average of 1.5 kg. |
Health experts caution that the diet is actually unhealthy. It is a quick fix, but successful dieting requires effort and regular exercise. The diet does not teach eating habits that people can use in the future. |
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Reading 6. READING COMPREHENSION The Grapefruit Diet
- to explain how the grapefruit diet works
- It burns fat.
- green vegetables, eggs, meat, and coffee
- 1,000 or less
- It is cheap.
- dieted for a longer time
- People mostly consume liquids and little fat.
- The diet is actually not healthy.
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 2 Nutritional Science Reading 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE
- occasion
- be willing to
- influence
- principle
- identical
- method
- artistic
- status symbols
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Using context to understand words
- a piece of land
- values
- use up something
- to confirm
- uncomfortable
- a location
- good for how you want to use it
- to associate with a group
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Using descriptive adjectives
- 1. Special
- 2. Vibrant
- 3. Delicious
- 4. Unique
- 5. Soft
- 6. Chewy
- 7. Popular
- 8. Beautiful
- 9. Dry
- 10. Salty.
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Writing 11. GRAMMAR Use and placement of adjectives (1)
1- old orange2- big white
3- elegant Italian
4- fresh green
5- dirty glass
6- large wooden dining
7- fascinating French cooking
Unit 2 Nutritional Science Writing 12. GRAMMAR Use and placement of adjectives (2) (1)
1- They surprised him with a new Italian car2- She remembered the small blue statue at her grandmother's home
3- He bought a shiny diamond ring at the jewelry store
4- The city has a large square park in its downtown
5- We are going to have a small quiet wedding
6- Our family ate at the big new Middle Eastern restaurant
Unit 2 Nutritional ScienceReview and Reflect16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review
Nouns and Noun Phrases | Verbs and Verb Phrases | Adjectives and Adjective Phrases |
method occasion principle status symbol system |
arrange be made up of be willing to identify influence |
identical balanced likely sensitive artistic |
Unit 3 Information Technology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How has technology affected our lives?
إضغط الرابط على الصورة
Unit 3 Information Technology Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION
تسجيل صوتي على الطالب
Unit 3 Information Technology Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
1- respond2- obey
3- occurs
4- manufacturers
5- obstacle
6- benefit
7- limitation
8- sense
Unit 3 Information Technology Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
1- the positive points of something2- the negative points of something
3- flexibility
4- need for self-discipline
5- learning another language
6- feeling lonely
7- you can learn more about yourself
8- you can get confused by the large amount of information
Unit 3 Information Technology Reading 5. READING COMPREHENSION The Superbus
1- high-tech bus2- can travel between cities and inside cities
3- on a special high-speed highway
4- about 43 cm off the ground
5- one battery
6- are easy to replace
7- expensive and modern
8- can be arranged in different ways
Unit 3 Information Technology Reading 6. READING SKILL Taking notes
1- Superbus → high-tech bus being developed by Wuboo Ockels2- high speed → 250 kph between cities; like a normal bus within cities
3- battery powered → goes 200 km on easy-to-change battery
4- luxurious look → 15 meters long, 8 doors, can rearrange interior
5- out in the near future → interest from Dubai, Abu Dhabi, the Netherlands
Unit 3 Information Technology Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION
>تسجيل صوتي على الطالب
Unit 3 Information Technology Reading 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE
1- adapt
2- interactive
3- monitors
4- discover
5- global
6- in favor of
7- revolutionized
8- digital
9- reliable
10- feedback
Unit 3 Information Technology Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Synonyms
1- agree with
2- problem
3- argue about
4- place
5- usually
6- unnecessary
7- handler
8- freedom
9- create
10- follow
Unit 3 Information Technology Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Writing a summary and a personal response
- Summary 1
- Summary 2
- Summary 2
- Summary 1
- Summary 2
Unit 3 Information Technology Writing 11. GRAMMAR Parallel structure (1)
- businesses
- increase the number of customers
- for convenience
- manufacturing
- print receipts
- portable
- more powerful
- at work
Unit 3 Information Technology Writing 12. GRAMMAR Parallel structure (2)
Parallel Structure | Not Parallel Structure |
Many children use computers at home and at school. My science test and my math test are both on the same day. Her grandmother is very wise and very kind. He does not remember or care about his old computer. |
Her friends were friendly, talkative, and they told jokes. Everyone came to the party, including Ted, Nick, and Joe was there, too. He prefers a large university but a small school is her preference. The children were completely tired and they were not at all happy. |
Unit 3 Information Technology Review and Reflect 15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How has technology affected our lives?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 3 Information Technology Review and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives |
feedback data limitation obstacle manufacturer |
respond occur adapt discover obey monitor |
global interactive digital reliable |
Unit 4 Marketing Discussion
Unit 4 Marketing Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Does advertising help or harm us?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 4 Marketing Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 4 Marketing Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
- accurate
- impact
- suggest
- acknowledge
- factors
- implied
- specifically
- reflect
- relevant
Unit 4 Marketing Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION Letter to the Editor
- Traditional advertising is better than online advertising.
- Online advertising is better than traditional advertising.
- He lost a lot of money and almost closed his business.
- Older adults are online less than younger adults.
- older people
- people surf the Internet too quickly to pay attention to ads
- newspapers and magazines
- reliable information to prove how many people read their newspaper
Unit 4 Marketing Reading 5. READING SKILL Distinguishing facts from opinions
Facts | Opinions |
The IMA reported that older adults are online less than younger adults. The study showed that young adults do not usually click on Internet ads. Newspapers provide statistics about how many people buy the paper. Our university studied how young adults act online |
Every company should think carefully about where it advertises. It is difficult for an online ad to get any attention. T-Shirts for All and other companies should continue traditional advertising. Online advertising is the only way to succeed. |
Unit 4 Marketing Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 4 Marketing Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE
- broadcasting
- surrounding
- annual
- exposure
- memorable
- donations
- annoying
- entertain
- support
Unit 4 Marketing Reading 8 CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Using a Venn diagram
- show how things are similar or different
- what they have in common
- Many people will see the ads every day.
- People of all ages will see the ads.
- They prefer to socialize outside.
- They most likely have enough money to buy new clothes.
- They take people places.
- They both have two eyes.
Unit 4 Marketing Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Suffixes
Adjective | Adverb | Noun |
powerful predictable financial clearer |
partly completely |
friendship advertisement production kindness |
Unit 4 Marketing Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Writing an opinion essay
- Sentence (A)
- Sentences (D) and (H)
- Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5
- Sentences (F) and (G)
- introductory paragraphs
- Sentence (C)
- a reason for the writer's opinion
- Sentence (H)
Unit 4 Marketing Writing 11. GRAMMAR Compound sentences (1)
- and the company invited her for an interview.
- but it's always good to be back home.
- so the traffic moved very slowly.
- or we can play basketball.
- and it told people how to avoid catching it.
- but he is always looking for an interesting new job.
- so the restaurant did not have a table for us.
- or we could rent a car and drive there.
Unit 4 Marketing Writing 12. GRAMMAR Compound sentences (2)
1. I was late to class, so I had to hurry and rush to get there on time.2. I was late to class, but the teacher still allowed me to enter and joined the lecture.
3. The day was sunny, so we decided to take a walk in the park.
4. The day was sunny, but it was also very hot and humid outside.
5. Would you like to drink coffee, or would you prefer tea instead?
6. The movie was interesting, but the plot was a little confusing at times.
7. The movie was interesting, and it had some great special effects and stunning cinematography.
8. They bought their mother a gift, so they could surprise her with it on her birthday.
Unit 4 Marketing Review and Reflect 15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION Does advertising help or harm us?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 4 Marketing Review and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives |
factor broadcasting donation exposure |
acknowledge reflect suggest entertain support |
memorable annoying annual surrounding relevant accurate |
Unit 5 Psychology Discussion
Unit 5 Psychology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION How do people overcome obstacles?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 5 Psychology Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 5 Psychology Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
- traumatic
- set apart
- perceive
- predict
- poverty
- emerge
- threat
- trait
- elements
- enable
Unit 5 Psychology Reading 4. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Justifiying your opinion of a text
- justifying your opinion
- No
- No
- Read more articles and reports on the topic.
- Look for articles on the effects of space on astronauts.
- Find online studies on the effects of green tea on humans.
- Read articles about the childhoods of really creative people.
- Research the ingredients of the product.
Unit 5 Psychology Reading 5. READING COMPREHENSION Healthy Optimists
- Optimists are more likely to live longer, healthier lives.
- perceives failure negatively
- more
- They believe goals are achievable.
- depressed
- Pessimistic students believed passing an exam was due to luck.
- attitude
- Less stress can cause people to have fewer illnesses.
Unit 5 Psychology Reading 6. READING SKILL Using referents to understand contrast
- people who look at failure as something horrible
- optimists not getting sick as often as pessimists
- optimists
- having a clear plan and working harder
- pessimistic students in the study
- having a positive outlook
- having reduced risk of getting cancer and heart disease
Unit 5 Psychology Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 5 Psychology Reading 8. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE
- a part a person plays
- someone's purpose or aim
- firmly decided to succeed at something hard
- not like anyone or anything else
- important or big enough to notice
- defeat or win against something
- work to deserve something
- greatest or best
Unit 5 Psychology Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Using the dictionary to find the correct meaning
- to completely destroy something
- to have to deal with something unpleasant
- the function that something or somebody has in society
- to get money for work that you do
- to come together formally in order to discuss something
- an increase in an amount, a number, or a level
Unit 5 Psychology Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Writing a narrative essay
- True
- False
- False
- True
- True
- False
- False
- True
Unit 5 Psychology Writing 11. GRAMMAR Shifts between past and present time frames (1)
- had attended
- decided
- had seen
- is
- went
- started
- was
- was
Unit 5 Psychology Writing 12. GRAMMAR Shifts between past and present time frames (2)
- decided
- had learned
- had known
- had wilted
- had cooked
- had saved
- enjoyed
- had forgotten
Unit 5 Psychology Review and Reflect 15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION How do people overcome obstacles?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 5 Psychology Review and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives |
element poverty trait goal role |
emerge enable perceive predict conquer |
determined distinctive ultimate significant traumatic |
Unit 6 Neurology Discussion
Unit 6 Neurology Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Are you a good decision maker?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 6 Neurology Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION
تسجيل صوتي على الطالب
Unit 6 Neurology Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
- complex
- according to
- experiment
- efficient
- pace
- proof
- made sense
- rely on
- subjects
Unit 6 Neurology Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION Preventing Bad Decisions
- one day
- some people treat all decisions the same
- we rely on our own solution
- distracted
- eight
- to delay making a decision until the next day
- to experience something in a new or different way
- People can avoid making bad decisions.
Unit 6 Neurology Reading 5. READING SKILL Using a graphic organizer
- separate small decisions from big decisions
- make small decisions a routine
- considering only your solutions
- evaluate everyone's ideas
- brain is too tired
- get 7-9 hours of sleep every day
Unit 6 Neurology Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 6 Neurology Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE
- revolutionary
- have a gift
- arrogant
- view
- come up with
- impatient
- deal with
- moved on
Unit 6 Neurology Reading 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Classifying information
- organizing information according to things that are similar about them
- the sciences
- as extroverts and introverts
- biochemistry
- No
- amphibians
- manufactured items
- Organic Foods and Processed Foods
Unit 6 Neurology Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Phrasal verbs
- moved
- ended up
- ran into
- break it down
- think
- moved along
- broke
- figured out
Unit 6 Neurology Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Stating reasons and giving examples
Thesis statement | Thesis statement | Examples |
People volunteer for a number of different reasons |
They want to help others in need. Volunteering feels rewarding. They enjoy interaction. |
Helping a child learn to read can help you feel good about yourself. Collecting clothes and food can help the poor live more comfortably. Volunteers meet and work with others who have the same interests. |
Unit 6 Neurology Writing 11. GRAMMAR Gerunds and infinitives (1)
- 1. Remembering all of the details of the accident was difficult for her.
2. Studying how the brain influences behavior is interesting.
3. Finding the suspect in the dark was impossible.
4. Developing a successful theory takes time.
5. Walking alone at night can be dangerous.
6. Considering all of the factors is important.
7. Designing good experiments is the scientist's job.
8. Helping the people we love feels natural.
Unit 6 Neurology Writing 12. GRAMMAR Gerunds and infinitives (2)
- playing
- Thinking
- to tour
- Increasing
- to ride
- to volunteer
- Using
- to understand
Unit 6 Neurology Review and Reflect 15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION Are you a good decision maker?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 6 Neurology Review and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review
Nouns | Verbs and Verb Phrases | Adjectives |
experiment proof pace subject |
rely on make sense come up with deal with move on |
impatient complex arrogant efficient revolutionary |
Unit 7 Economics Discussion
Unit 7 Economics Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION Can a business earn money while making a difference?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 7 Economics Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 7 Economics Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
- distributes
- massive
- estimates
- firsthand
- opportunity
- prospect
- overall
- reusable
- desire
- signifies
Unit 7 Economics Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION The Car for the Masses
- shocked
- 2009
- Because anyone could buy it.
- It can fit a family of four.
- several Nanos caught on fire
- more than 500
- It might not be produced anymore.
- Ratan Tata made the Nano so low-income drivers had a safe car they could afford.
Unit 7 Economics Reading 5. READING SKILL Using a timeline
- The Tata company was founded.
- 1991
- Ratan Tata announced he wanted to make a new, cheaper car.
- 2009
- Several Nanos caught on fire.
- 2011
Unit 7 Economics Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 7 Economics Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE
- focus
- inspired
- movement
- model
- seek
- aspect
- address
- concerned
Unit 7 Economics Reading 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Adding details to support statements
- helps people to agree with your opinion
- facts related to the topic
- People will know it's from a reputable source.
- About 2.5 billion people around the world have vision problems.
- It is relevant and connected to the topic.
- a study comparing how much time students in different countries spend in school
- an online newspaper article on forests around the world
- information my professor told me in a class lecture
Unit 7 Economics Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Collocations with verbs
- address the issue of
- address
- provide an alternative to
- provide a reason
- address the question of
- provided
- address
- provides
Unit 7 Economics Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Writing a cause/effect essay
Financial Effects | Academic Effects | Personal Effects |
earn more money than peers can get whatever they want may work in a comfortable office |
little time to study and go to class may drop out of high school |
may have to fire a friend may hire a parent may become famous |
Unit 7 Economics Writing 11. GRAMMAR Complex sentences (1)
- I asked the teacher for extra help.
- she contacted her bank.
- the plants needed more water.
- we were able to see the fireworks.
- I offered her a ride.
- he studied every evening.
- they bought their tickets early.
- the charity asked us to collect money.
Unit 7 Economics Writing 12. GRAMMAR Complex sentences (2)
- 1. Rob heard the good news, so he called his parents immediately.
2. Since classes do not start until February, Sara is able to work full-time this month.
3. Because the snowstorm left eight inches of snow on the roads, the bus service to the city was delayed.
4. Peter did not have enough money to pay for his car, so he applied for a loan.
5. They arrived at the party late since they thought it started at 8 p.m.
6. Maryann drove to the hospital because her mother needed a ride home.
7. He can't fit into any of his clothes since he grew over three inches.
Unit 7 Economics Review and Reflect 15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION Can a business earn money while making a difference?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 7 Economics Review and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review
Nouns | Verbs and Verb Phrases | Adjectives |
aspect movement opportunity prospect desire |
give back seek distribute signify estimate |
massive overall reusable inspired concerned |
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Discussion
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Discussion 1. UNIT QUESTION DISCUSSION What does it take to be successful?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Reading 2. VOCABULARY 1 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Reading 3. VOCABULARY 1 PRACTICE
- Young people should save money now to use when they get older and stop working.
- More people are buying natural foods.
- Making money means a company is doing well.
- I work with someone who is responsible.
- There are more cell phone companies hiring people now.
- The boss wants his employees to like him.
- The company wanted a new symbol.
- Businesses pay money for popular TV shows.
- I am certain that the bank will not lose my money.
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Reading 4. READING COMPREHENSION An Idea So Crazy It Works
- in the water near Alaska
- a ship that carried oil
- animals' fur
- at a hair salon
- The hair soaked up the oil.
- McCrory took his idea to NASA.
- human hair
- in the Gulf of Mexico
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Reading 5. READING SKILL Scanning a text
- Exxon Valdez
- 1989
- Phil McCrory
- nylon stockings
- plastic pool
- OttiMat
- Deepwater Horizon
- 2010
- the United States
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Reading 6. VOCABULARY 2 PRONUNCIATION
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Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Reading 7. VOCABULARY 2 PRACTICE
- motion
- recover
- aggressively
- dedication
- sign
- due to
- trend
- an exception
- demanding
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Reading 8. CRITICAL THINKING VIDEO Identifying problems and solutions
- an expert on the topic
- It helps you form a more informed opinion on the topic.
- a way of solving or dealing with a problem
- Ticket prices are too high.
- It would make fans happy.
- Players might go abroad to get more money.
- More people may attend games.
- Many people who live in the city have to deal with noisy neighbors.
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Reading 9. VOCABULARY SKILL Collocations with adjectives + prepositions
- for
- of
- at
- about
- to
- in
- for
- about
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Writing 10. WRITING SKILL Writing an argumentative essay
Introductory Paragraph | Body Paragraphs | Concluding Paragraph |
thesis statement counterargument background information |
reasons for the opinion facts examples |
restatement of opinion summary prediction about the topic |
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Writing 11. GRAMMAR Sentence fragments (1)
- F
- S
- S
- S
- S
- F
- S
- F
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Writing 12. GRAMMAR Sentence fragments (2)
- I played tennis.
- because she's really gooda at tennis.
- when you get home?
- before he competes.
- rowing is actually a difficult sport.
- I haven't walked very far.
- she doesn't like parties.
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Review and Reflect 15. UNIT QUESTION REFLECTION What does it take to be successful?
إضغط الرابط جوار الصورة
Unit 8 Behavioral Studies Review and Reflect 16. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS Vocabulary review
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives |
exception motion stability trend market logo dedication image expansion |
invest recover |
assured dependable demanding |